My cafes

I’ve been creating spaces for people for a while now. I’ve found it interesting that my cafes attract people I like. At an Artisan cafe you’ll meet some of the most interesting, passionate, artistic people in the city. And the cities include Edinburgh, Glasgow and Kuala Lumpur. My only regret is that I never make enough time to spend talking with these fascinating people.

The original Artisan Roast Coffee in Kuala Lumpur is still ours and together with Joey Mah and Amirah Mohamad, I’ve created a new brand of cafes called Three Little Birds. It was born out of a toxic business partnership that we had with Artisan Coffee Bars in KL and symbolises the flight to freedom and that everything will be alright. It’s very different from the Artisan Cafes, which mostly came from Joey’s influence and now Kellee Tan and I like that it is.

I’ve been involved in a couple of interesting projects of late: Seniman Kakao, a pod-to-bar chocolate company in Malaysia, and Dog with Two Tails a creperie, cafe and bar, New Zealand.

Seniman Kakao, Malaysia
Dog with Two Tails, New Zealand
Three Little Birds, Malaysia

Artisan Coffee, Malaysia

Artisan Roast, UK

3 thoughts on “My cafes

  1. Your picture and comment about Kopi Luwak made me laugh šŸ™‚ Reminded me of 4 words uttered by Michael deRen’d from Denmark (and friends with Klaus, Peter and Caspar from CC): from a-holes, for a-holes. I have never tasted a Kopi Luwak prepared by Hario, Chemex or AeroPress that I thought was a proper cup. Smooth…. yes. Interesting… no. PT Barnum was right! How else to explain such madness. Give me a Sidamo, roasted to perfection and prepared with love, like I just enjoyed today with my friend Huang Wei in Beijing.

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